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Columbia Valley Native Host Plants

Butterflies can only survive with their specific host plant.
No host plants, no butterflies. ​
It's really that simple.

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Golden Alpine Daisy

Erigeron aureus

One of the earliest blooming wildflowers, adapted to life above the treeline. They thrive in full sun with well drained soil. The electric yellow blooms are large compared to the size of the plant that stays 3".

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Showy Jacob's Ladder

Polemonium pulcherrimum

Blooming early and profusely, this small statured native provides a flush of blue and unique fern-like foliage. If deadheaded after blooming, they will rebloom all summer long.

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False Solomon's Seal

Maianthemum racemosum

A stunning native with fragrant white plumes and elegant structure. The berries are said to be very sweet when allowed to ripen if the birds save you any. A woodland dweller they will light up the shade

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Wood Lily

Lilium philadelphicum

The most widespread native Lily in Canada, the Wood Lily was once very common. Taking 7+ years to flower from seed, they are susceptible to over harvest, with a low regeneration rate. 

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Hedysarum boreale

A lovely legume that provides pollen to specialist bees during its long bloom season of late spring. Capable of handling tough growing conditions, these are a welcome addition to the garden.

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Heartleaf Arnica

Arnica cordifolia

A spreading, low-growing perennial that colonizes openings in forests, particularly after a fire or a disturbance. The yellow blooms begin in June and will bloom sporadically all summer. 

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Oregon Grape

Berberis aquifolium

Truly an all season plant. From its tough spiky, evergreen foliage that turns red in fall, to the very showy yellow flowers, and the pretty blue berries, this is a plant with a lot of interest. Specialist pollen bee host as well that depend on its early blooms

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Gaillardia aristata

One of the prettiest and showiest prairie plants, with large yellow blooms with red centres. The flowers can be quite diverse found in many different colours.

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