Columbia Valley Native Host Plants
Butterflies can only survive with their specific host plant.
No host plants, no butterflies.
It's really that simple.

Field Goldenrod
Solidago nemoralis
Awesome little powerhouses, Goldenrods are some of the most important plants for ecosystems. Many species of caterpillars feed on Goldenrod, and this plant is very well behaved in the garden.

Pussy Willow
Salix discolor
Another very important keystone species, providing the first high quality pollen of the year for native bees such as newly emerged Mason Bees as well as the new Queen Bumblebees. Host plant as well.

Prunus virginiana
Perfect shrubs for homeowners. Gorgeous spring blossoms, host plant for many species of butterflies, and the plant bring gifts...chokecherries. I have many fond memories with dry mouth.

Red Osier Dogwood
Cornus sericea
An important food source for migrating birds, winter forage for deer, elk, and moose, and host plant to the Echo Azure butterfly. Steeped in traditional knowledge, this is a very valuable plant.

Showy Aster
Eurybia conspicua
Stunning plants with large, sandpapery leaves. Thrives on the edges of woodlands and will bloom best when in full sun with adequate moisture. Bees absolutely love Asters and host plant for butterflies

Smooth Blue Aster
Symphyotrichum laeve
Late summer the Asters make their appearance on stage, providing clouds of tiny blue flowers that look especially impressive in low light. The incumbent bumblebee queens depend on them!

Silvery Lupine
Lupinus argenteus
Bumblebees adore Lupines who pry open the flowers while the claw of the flower dabs them with pollen. Host plant to many cool butterflies including a number of endangered and threatened species.

Wild Buckwheat
Eriogonum umbellatum var. majus
Gorgeous slowly spreading, silvery ground covers that erupt with cute little creamy pompoms that fade to a pinky brown. Very drought tolerant and also host to many butterfly species.

Hooker's Thistle
Cirsium hookerianum
Our native Thistles deserve more respect as they not only behave themselves in the garden but also provide copious amount of nectar and are host plant to the gorgeous Painted Lady butterflies.

Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
An evergreen ground cover that can tolerate dry soils, slowly forming a thick mat over time. The berries are wonderful forage for ground birds.