Columbia Valley Native Host Plants
Butterflies can only survive with their specific host plant.
No host plants, no butterflies. ​
It's really that simple.

Fragrant Evening Primrose
Oenothera caespitosa
A wonderful addition along a sidewalk path or in a rock garden. Stunning blooms open in the evening and close by mid-morning. Host plant to the White-lined Sphinx moth.

Heath Aster
Symphyotrichum eriocoides
A petite, slender plant that works perfect for filling in all the gaps in between your plants. The tiny white flowers support a huge array of specialist bee species and is host to several butterfly caterpillars

Pearly Everlasting
Anaphalis margaritacea
Very easy to grow in a variety of soil and sun conditions, Pearly Everlasting has small, papery flowers similar to strawflowers. Host to the American Lady butterflies

Pine Reed Grass
Calamagrostis rubescens
A very common grass on open, mid-mountain terrain. It persists in the shade but will not flower typically until the canopy opens up from disturbance such as a fallen tree.

Sticky Goldenrod
Solidago simplex
A dwarf goldenrod that forms well behaved little clumps with foot tall golden spikes appearing in mid-summer. One of the earliest goldenrods to bloom and tolerant of dry, heat.

Field Locoweed
Oxytropis campestris
Nitrogen fixing from the Legume family, Locoweeds are very useful for meadow gardens, particularly short-grass, and relatively dry soils. Showy flowers and host to a number of butterflies

Ceanothus velutinus
A very drought tolerant shrub that stays manageable with glossy, three veined leaves and sprays of flowers in late spring. A wonderful shrub that deserves to be in more people's yards.

Fuzzytongue Beardtongue
Penstemon eriantherus
A gorgeous wildflower resembling snapdragons and a favourite of bumblebees. These love dry, well draining soils, and cannot tolerate spring wet, so best on south facing slope.