Columbia Valley Native Host Plants
Butterflies can only survive with their specific host plant.
No host plants, no butterflies. ​
It's really that simple.

Blue Grama
Bouteloua gracilis
Wonderful clump forming grasses that have an airy texture that adds a dynamic effect to a garden design. They are important meadow species that supports a large number of animals and insects

Canada Violet
Viola canadensis
A lovely ground cover for the semi-shade, preferring a bit of moisture. They can grow into a thick blanket of violets which have some of the earliest blooms of the year.

Early Blue Violet
Viola adunca
The earliest blooming of the violets with a luxurious blue bloom colour. Can handle a touch drier soils and an important host plant for the stunning Myrtle's Silverspot butterfly.

Paper Birch
Betula papyrifera
Keystone trees that provide for all manor of organisms. If you want to provide for the pollinators, birches are a valuable tree species.

Heart-leaf Zizia
Zizia aptera
Lovely early blooming yellow umbels with thick leaves that Anise Swallowtail butterflies depend on for food. A great plant to allow to spread like under a tree.

Subalpine Fleabane
Erigeron glacialis
Drop dead gorgeous, soft lavender coloured daisies. I have no idea how these wonderful native plants haven't taken gardens by storm. Host plant to the adorable Rockslide Checkerspot.

Small-flower Beardtongue
Penstemon procerus
These stunningly beautiful native Penstemons are to die for. They are wonderful en masse in a rock garden. Very drought tolerant and will self seed politely to fill in the gaps.

Pacific Bleeding Heart
Dicentra formosa
This delicate looking shade lover wants the north side of your house in the shade. At home in the woodlands, these are a must have with elegant ferny foliage and watching bees pry open blooms

Slender Nettles
Urtica dioica ssp gracilis
An incredibly valuable plant that establishes into a small patch, typically in a moist woodland setting. The edible leaves and shoots are very nutritious and nettles are host to many butterfly species

Western Snowberry
Symphoricarpos occidentalis
A small, multi-stemmed suckering shrub that forms dense thickets of knee to waist high branches. Delicate pinkish white flowers followed by white berries into winter. Important food source for deer and birds.